Often in No Limit Hold’em will happen to play the board, the combination of five books below being good enough. This is the case of quintences, for example, but many players do not know how to approach such a situation. This is how we will relate to this section: what do you have to do when you catch Royală down, rely on check or do a bet?
To analyze the situation, we will refer to a hand recently played by Jonathan Little. 33 years old, he is a very aggressive player, who generally reads the situations at the table. He has won over $ 6.7 million in live poker, and has been launching a youtube channel for some time in which he shares with poker lovers about what is happening in tournaments or at cash competitions.
Last week, he described a hand he had in an online tour, in which River board was completed a Royala Poker. Why is it much more advantageous in such situations to make a bet, even if you do not take the above with a book in your hand? Let’s see what the great American player has to say.
How we play the board

This week I have another hand that I want to share with you, at a tour with a $ 2,000 buy-in, in the No Limit Hold’em style. It is a hand in which he was completed down, and the question that arises is the following: is it more profitable to bet, want to throw the opponent or is the check, in the idea of dividing the pot?
At a level of blinds of 75/150 and stacks of about 20-25,000 sheets, I received K Romb- 9 Romba in UTG and opened, making a raise up to 400. Three players gave a call, including a tight type- aggressively, from Middle Position.
The flop came 9 spikes, 8 rhombus, 7 cup, giving me Top Pair and a Flush Draw. But also, the flop was probably connected in different ways with the hands of the opponents. I bet on a 900 Bet Bet continuation, but I knew I could be exposed, so I would have been folded to any three bet. Fortunately, only the Tag player from Middle Position paid me.
The tower was 10 rhombus, giving me a color draw, but now there were four books connected on the board, so I checked. So does the opponent. The river was J spite, putting a chin on the board. This is an interesting place, because if I put a bet it is possible for my opponent to fold and allow me to take the whole pot. But if I check, I can be in front of a bet and I have to decide whether or not it is profitable to pay.
How to proceed

If we think about in terms of range, we realize that it is a situation where in many variants a lady is in the opponent’s range. But it is a place where I don’t think we would bother us to bluff. Why? What is most important is that we have to be aware that if we check, there are only two variants: to divide the pot or lose. If we bet on the check, we will give the opponent the chance to bluff. And this will happen often. It will be practically a reversal of roles, which does not seem very indicated.
What interests us here first? Let’s make a raise and be sure that we will not be in front of a re-raise. Because a three bet from the opponent means we will have to fold, there would be too many sheets involved and it will be a disaster if we lose the pot. So, how much do we have to put to the beat so that we are sure that we will not be given, but at the same time we can put pressure on the opponent who plays the board? We are interested in making him leave the pot and this will happen only if we do a considerable raise. If we bet 1000 sheets, for example, the opponent will have I can ODDS: he will have to put only 1000 tokens to win half can, 1700 faces. He will win half can, with the chant on the board, often enough to justify a call. Thus, a Small Bet does not make sense, we will be paid too many times. In addition, it can induce a re-raise, which would be very frustrating for us. I think we have to make a much bigger bet, maybe even bigger than the whole is.
I bet in this situation 5000 sheets and the opponent folded. It worked exactly as we hoped this time. But it is very important to know your opponent, to know that he is capable of fold in such scenarios. Because if you suspect that he does not leave such situations, then the raise you make will not reach his goal: either you will hit a lady or divide the pot.